Hi, I'm Scott Griffy.
-- Introduction --
I've done a lot of various computer-related stuff in my life. Currently, I'm very interested in applied and theoretical cryptography and how to use it to solve societal and technical problems. Specifically, I've recently been working with randomizable signatures and anonymous credentials.
-- Education/Jobs --
I'm currently a 4th year PhD student in computer science at Brown where I'm working with Anna Lysyanskaya.
I graduated from Portland State University with a master's in computer science in June 2019.
I got my bachelor's in computer science from Oregon State University.
I worked at Intel as a security researcher/engineer and co-authored a patent there.
-- Academic Projects --
I co-authored (with Anna Lysyanskaya, Omid Mir, Octavio Perez Kempner, and Daniel Slamanig) a paper titled: Delegatable Anonymous Credentials From Mercurial Signatures With Stronger Privacy which was published in Asiacrypt 2024 in Kolkata, India (link to my talk).
I co-authored (with Anna Lysyanskaya) a paper using randomizable signatures for contact tracing, titled: PACIFIC: Privacy-preserving automated contact tracing scheme featuring integrity against cloning which was published in the first issue of the IACR's Communications in Cryptography journal.
I co-authored (with Sofia Celi, Lucjan Hanzlik, Octavio Perez Kempner, and Daniel Slamanig) a systematization of knowledge on signatures with randomizable keys, titled: SoK: Signatures With Randomizable Keys which appeared at Financial Cryptography 2024 in Curacao.
Our paper (with Omid Mir, Balthazar Bauer, Anna Lysyanskaya, and Daniel Slamanig) titled: Aggregate Signatures with Versatile Randomization and Issuer-Hiding Multi-Authority Anonymous Credentials will be appearing in ACM CCS 2023 in Copenhagen!
I co-authored (with David Pouliot and Charles Wright) a paper on searchable encryption that appeared at DSN 2019, titled: The Strength of Weak Randomization: Easily Deployable, Efficiently Searchable Encryption with Minimal Leakage.
My Master's thesis introduced a concrete version of a scheme for exceptional access. It is titled: Crumpled and Abraded Encryption: Implementation and Provably Secure Construction. PSU library link. Advisor: Charles V. Wright.
I presented work based on my master's thesis at DIMACS 2020 Workshop on Co-Development of Computer Science and Law.
-- Other Projects --
I (along with others) run the cryptography reading group at Brown, so if you're in the area and would like to come present your work to the group, please reach out to me at myfirstname_mylastname@brown.edu.
I used to help out at a club called "GEMS" (Game & Entertainment-Making Students) at Portland State University.
In my free time I enjoy developing videogames, playing piano, and biking.